
This is not exactly a cookie but it holds a place of great importance in the olson family and I felt it should be recorded here. Ironically, this recipe is from Aunt Lena who doesn't have a smidgen of Scandinavian blood. At the bottom of the recipe is a note which says, "Good luck to You. Love Aunt Lena." Whose real name, by the way, is Magdalena.)

Boil potatoes the day before you plan to make your lefse and put them through a food mill (Ricer). Don't add salt. Measure out 9 cups of potatoes.

3/4 cup of margarine
1/2 cup half and half

Let cool in refrigerator overnight. In the morning add:
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar

Roll thin and bake on a hot griddle, turning to brown lightly on both sides. Don't let the dough get warm as you roll -- it will get sticky and hard to roll.